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How to use EPR after registration? Can Amazon and eBay share an EPR registration number?

What documents do I need to prepare for EPR registration? How to use the seller after registering the EPR? Can multiple stores such as Amazon and eBay share an EPR registration number?

EPR has become recently very popular and has attracted the attention of many cross-border sellers. EPR appears to have caused panic among cross-border sellers. According to the platform notification requirements, before the deadline, cross-border sellers need to register EPR according to law, otherwise the relevant non-compliant products will be taken off from the platform. And if the seller rashly exports to the EU without valid EPR, the batch of goods will also be detained by EU customs.

What documents do I need to prepare for EPR registration?

At present, Germany and France have stricter requirements for EPR, and they have been implemented in the regulations. Before registering EPR, to speed up the processing time of EPR, cross-border sellers are recommended to pay attention to sorting out following documents and information:

  • the scanned copy of the registered enterprise business license
  • the relevant information of the seller’s platform store
  • required EPR registration.
  • product-related information
  • product sales volume
  • sales country VAT tax number

How to use the seller after registering the EPR?

After cross-border sellers register EPR, they must upload EPR information at the backend of the cross-border e-commerce platform in time to avoid further restrictions on sales by the platform. On the other hand, when sellers export products to the EU, they need to report the recycling of the product waste they sell on a regular basis and pay the relevant recycling fees.

Can multiple stores such as Amazon and eBay share the same EPR registration number?

In fact, EPR registration is not for a certain e-commerce platform. EPR is only a general term for national regulations, which involves many product categories, such as WEEE for electronic appliances, battery law for battery products, and package law for packaging waste. After the seller has registered the EPR registration number, it can be used on multiple platforms such as Amazon and eBay. But it is worth noting that the EPR registration number is used by country, and different countries have different requirements for EPR. Therefore, when the seller registers EPR, he must pay attention to knowing in which country the products are sold and register the country specific EPR.

Want to know more about EPR registration and compliance? Contact EU-REP-Service for inquiry.